Waarom Kakelt Een Kip Als Ze Een Ei Legt? (TOP 5 Tips)

Waarom Kakelt Een Kip Als Ze Een Ei Legt? (TOP 5 Tips)


Have you ever wondered why a chicken cackles after laying an egg? Well, you are not alone! This is a question that has been asked by many chicken farmers and enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind this behavior and provide you with some tips to better understand your feathered friends.

Tip 1: Communication

Chickens are social creatures and use various forms of communication to interact with each other. One of the ways they communicate is through vocalization. When a chicken lays an egg, she will often cackle loudly. This is her way of communicating with the other chickens in the flock. She is announcing to them that she has laid an egg and is also letting them know where it is located.

Tip 2: Hormonal Changes

Another reason why a chicken may cackle after laying an egg is due to hormonal changes in her body. After laying an egg, a chicken’s body experiences a surge of hormones. This can cause her to become excited, and she may cackle as a result.

Tip 3: Relief

Laying an egg can be a physically taxing process for a chicken. It takes a lot of energy and effort to produce an egg. Once the egg has been laid, the chicken may feel a sense of relief, which can manifest in the form of cackling.

Tip 4: Protection

Chickens are vulnerable when they are laying eggs. They are in a vulnerable position and are more susceptible to predators. Cackling after laying an egg may serve as a warning to other chickens in the flock to be on the lookout for potential threats.

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Tip 5: Celebration

Finally, cackling after laying an egg may simply be a celebration. Chickens are creatures of habit and routine. When they lay an egg, it is a significant event in their daily lives. Cackling may be their way of celebrating this accomplishment.


In conclusion, there are several reasons why a chicken may cackle after laying an egg. It may be a form of communication, hormonal changes, relief, protection, or celebration. By understanding these reasons, you can better understand your feathered friends and the behavior they exhibit.


Q1: Can all chickens cackle after laying an egg?

A: Yes, all chickens have the ability to cackle after laying an egg.

Q2: What is the purpose of cackling?

A: Cackling serves as a form of communication, hormonal changes, relief, protection, or celebration.

Q3: Is it normal for a chicken to cackle loudly?

A: Yes, it is normal for a chicken to cackle loudly after laying an egg.

Q4: How often do chickens lay eggs?

A: Chickens can lay an egg every 24-26 hours.

Q5: Do all chickens lay the same type of eggs?

A: No, there are different breeds of chickens, and each breed lays a different type of egg.