Mango mousse

Mango mousse is a delightful and refreshing dessert that is perfect for any occasion. This light and fluffy treat is sure to impress your guests with its tropical flavors and creamy texture. Made with fresh mangoes, this recipe is easy to make and will surely become a favorite in your household.


Mango mousse is a creamy and decadent dessert that is made with ripe mangoes, sugar, gelatin, and whipped cream. The mangoes are pureed and mixed with sugar to create a sweet and tangy base for the mousse. Gelatin is then added to help set the mousse, while whipped cream is folded in to give it a light and airy texture. The mousse is then chilled until set, allowing the flavors to meld together and create a delicious treat that is perfect for any occasion.


This mango mousse recipe is a light and refreshing dessert that is perfect for any occasion. Made with fresh mangoes, sugar, gelatin, and whipped cream, this creamy treat is sure to impress your guests. With its tropical flavors and creamy texture, this mango mousse is a must-try recipe that will quickly become a favorite in your household.


  • Cuisine: Dutch
  • Course: Dessert
  • Servings: 4
  • Prep Time: 20 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 minutes
  • Total Time: 4 hours 20 minutes


What do you need for this recipe?

To make this delicious mango mousse, you will need the following ingredients:


  • 2 ripe mangoes, peeled and diced
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 packet unflavored gelatin
  • 1/4 cup cold water
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar

Step-by-step plan for making it:

  1. In a blender, puree the diced mangoes until smooth.
  2. In a small saucepan, combine the sugar and gelatin. Add the cold water and let it sit for 5 minutes to bloom.
  3. Heat the gelatin mixture over low heat until the gelatin is dissolved. Let it cool slightly.
  4. In a mixing bowl, whip the heavy cream and powdered sugar until stiff peaks form.
  5. Gradually fold the mango puree into the whipped cream mixture.
  6. Finally, fold in the gelatin mixture until well combined.
  7. Pour the mango mousse into individual serving dishes and chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, or until set.
  8. Enjoy your delicious mango mousse!
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Variations of the recipe:

You can customize this mango mousse recipe by adding a touch of vanilla extract or a splash of rum for extra flavor. You can also garnish the mousse with fresh mint leaves or toasted coconut for a decorative touch.

Some tips on how to make it:

For best results, use ripe and sweet mangoes for this recipe. Make sure to chill the mousse for at least 4 hours to allow it to set properly. You can also make this recipe ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator until ready to serve.


Each serving of this mango mousse contains approximately 220 calories, 12g of fat, 25g of carbohydrates, and 3g of protein. It is a delicious and indulgent dessert that is perfect for special occasions or when you’re craving something sweet.

Frequently asked questions

Can I use canned mangoes for this recipe?

While fresh mangoes are preferred for this recipe, you can use canned mangoes if fresh ones are not available. Just make sure to drain the canned mangoes well before pureeing them.

Can I make this recipe ahead of time?

Yes, you can make this mango mousse ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator until ready to serve. Just make sure to cover it tightly to prevent any odors from affecting the flavor.


In conclusion, mango mousse is a delicious and refreshing dessert that is perfect for any occasion. With its tropical flavors and creamy texture, this treat is sure to impress your guests and become a favorite in your household. Try making this mango mousse recipe today and enjoy a taste of paradise in every bite!

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